Fantasia Restaurant|Ресторант Фантазия Семейна Кухня

0 Beoordelingen


  • Homemade pork sausages with paprika and sour cream, herb potatoe

    25,08 лв.
    400 g
    20% Off
  • Greek with tomatoes, cucumbers, cheese,pepper, red onion,olives,

    16,68 лв.
    350 g
    15% Off
  • Tender pork loin with butter ,smoked paprika baked potatoes with

    25,08 лв.
    400 g
    30% Off
  • Zucchini balls with garlic sauce and fresh salaad

    19,08 лв.
    350 g
    15% Off
  • Cesar with chicken fillets, mixed salads, egg, capers, parmesan,

    20,28 лв.
    350 g
    15% Off
  • Chicken hearts with butter, soy sauce, dill and lemon

    17,88 лв.
    250 g
    15% Off

Daily offers

  • Шкембе чорба

    9,12 лв.
  • Крем супа с манатарки, мащерка и масло

    8,28 лв.
  • Зелена салата с риба тон

    15,48 лв.
    с царевица, домат, лук маслини и дресинг
  • Кюфтета на скара

    15,48 лв.
    с лютеница, печени картофи и салата зеле и моркови
  • Свински винен кебап с ориз

    14,28 лв.
  • Пилешко филе със сос Цезар

    16,68 лв.
    гарнирано със свежа салата
  • Яйца по панагюрски

    11,88 лв.
  • Боб на фурна

    9,12 лв.
  • Ориенталска супа от червена леща с нахут

    7,92 лв.
    с масло и мащерка

Salads and cold appetizers

  • Winter platter with homemade appetizers

    21,48 лв.
    deer sausage, beef suzdruma, sauerkraut, paprika fat from pork with leeks, royal pickle
  • Tomatoes with roasted pepper, baked cheese,aubergine, green onio

    19,00 лв.
    350 g
  • Mix salads with roasted goat cheese, dried pork leg from the tow

    22,68 лв.
    pear, cedar nuts, hazelnut tahini, dressing pomegranate 350 g
  • Cesar with chicken fillets, mixed salads, egg, capers, parmesan,

    20,28 лв.
    350 g
    15% Off
  • Tarama caviar with olives, mixed salads,bruschetta, red onion, c

    16,68 лв.
    350 g
  • Bruschetti with Smoked salmon and cream cheese and fresh salad

    22,68 лв.
    Cherry tomatoes, avocado, cucumbers, marinated onions, mango dressing 350 g

Hot appetizers

  • Homemade french fries with dill and garlic

    11,88 лв.
    200 g
  • Aubergine with mozzarella,tomato sauce,basil pesto

    19,08 лв.
    300 g
  • Zucchini balls with garlic sauce and fresh salaad

    19,08 лв.
    350 g
    15% Off
  • Baked goat cheese with honey and walnuts

    19,08 лв.
    180 g
  • Crispy chicken fillets with homemade mayonnaise

    19,08 лв.
    250 g
  • Chicken hearts with butter, soy sauce, dill and lemon

    17,88 лв.
    250 g
    15% Off
  • Veal tongue with horseradish sauce

    21,48 лв.
    200 g
  • Boneless veal tails with mushroom

    22,68 лв.
    250 g
  • Pork smoked breasts on a pan with a slightly spicy barbecue sauc

    17,88 лв.
    200 g

Main dishes

  • Homemade pork sausages with paprika and sour cream, herb potatoe

    25,08 лв.
    400 g
    20% Off

Business details

Fantasia Restaurant|Ресторант Фантазия Семейна Кухня
улица „Екзарх Йосиф“ 32
1000 София
Platform van de Europese Commissie voor online geschillenbeslechting:
Wij zijn een professionele handelaar. Ontdek meer over hoe wij en samen onze verantwoordelijkheid richting de consument dragen.



12:00 - 21:00
12:00 - 21:00
12:00 - 21:00
12:00 - 21:00
12:00 - 21:00
Gesloten voor bezorging
Gesloten voor bezorging

Business details

Fantasia Restaurant|Ресторант Фантазия Семейна Кухня
улица „Екзарх Йосиф“ 32
1000 София
Platform van de Europese Commissie voor online geschillenbeslechting:
Wij zijn een professionele handelaar. Ontdek meer over hoe wij en samen onze verantwoordelijkheid richting de consument dragen.