Does moderate reviews?

Does moderate reviews?

Customers have a period of 2 weeks after their order date to write their review and submit their rating, after which the invite expires. Every review will be published. Once published the review will be visible unless and until it is removed for any one of the reasons explained below. Reviews cannot be edited once published. will not modify the content of reviews, but we may remove the written review and/or the rating as explained below. only moderates reviews and ratings reactively and can remove reviews and/or ratings when they:

  • Contain any assertion which could constitute defamation, an insult or an opinion which could offend the sensitivity of certain users;
  • Promote, support or invite violent or discriminatory behaviour;
  • Infringe intellectual property rights or the right to own a third party brand;
  • Constitute the violation of a contractual clause or a legal obligation of confidentiality;
  • Promote any illegal, unauthorized or dangerous activity;
  • Present a case of violation of the privacy of others;
  • Give an impression that this opinion results from our own services or commits us;
  • Give a notice on behalf of another person by usurping an identity, or giving a false idea of your relations with a third party;
  • Contain fake content; and/or
  • Relate to the service and not the restaurant concerned when they result from people who have not placed an order, or are based on circumstances that are too imprecise to make the review useful to other users.

In limited scenarios, when we remove a review, the rating may still influence the average (star) rating. For more info on average review calculations, take a look at "How do star ratings work?".

We do not provide possibilities for restaurants to contact the customer that posted the review.

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