Eddy's Pizza|Едис Пица

0 anmeldelser


  • Margarita

    Flour type 0, dehydrated yeast, olive oil, water, tomato sauce, mozzarella, basil, salt, oregano 440 g

    19,90 лв.

  • Pepperoni

    Flour type 0, dehydrated yeast, olive oil, water, tomato sauce, mozzarella, Calabro sausage, oregano 480 g

    22,90 лв.

  • Capricozza

    Flour type 0, dehydrated yeast, olive oil, water, tomato sauce, mozzarella, salt, mushrooms, olives, artichoke, prosciutto, basil 520 g

    24,90 лв.

  • Prosciutto crudo and arugula

    Flour type 0, dehydrated yeast, olive oil, water, tomato sauce, mozzarella, salt, prosciutto crudo, arugula 480 g

    26,90 лв.

  • Mushrooms and truffle

    Flour type 0.0, dehydrated yeast, olive oil, water, cream, mozzarella, salt, mushrooms, black truffle paste 485 g

    21,90 лв.

  • Prosciutto and mushrooms

    Flour type 0.0, dehydrated yeast, olive oil, water, tomato sauce, mozzarella, prosciutto, mushrooms, oregano 500 g

    22,90 лв.

  • Calabria

    Flour type 0, dehydrated yeast, olive oil, water, mozzarella, provolone, nduja, artichoke, basil 500 g

    25,90 лв.

  • Boscaiola

    Flour type 0 dehydrated yeast, olive oil, water, mozzarella, mushrooms, sausage, parsley, black pepper, olive oil with truffle 500 g

    25,90 лв.

  • Copa

    Flour type 0, dehydrated yeast, olive oil, water, tomato sauce, mozzarella, copa sausage, dried tomato, arugula, stracciatella, hazelnut 500 g

    25,90 лв.

  • Porchetta

    Flour type 0, dehydrated yeast, olive oil, water, tomato sauce, porchetta, provolone, arugula, balsamic reduction, hazelnut

    25,90 лв.

Pizza slice

  • Pepperoni pizza slice

    Type 0 flour, dehydrated yeast, olive oil, water, tomato sauce, mozzarella, spicy sausage 240 g

    8,90 лв.

  • Margarita pizza slice

    Type 0 flour, dehydrated yeast, olive oil, water, tomato sauce, mozzarella, basil, oregano 240 g

    7,60 лв.

  • Four Cheeses pizza slice

    Type 0 flour, dehydrated yeast, olive oil, water, mozzarella, gorgonzola, provalone, parmesan 240 g

    8,90 лв.

  • Caprichosa pizza slice

    Type 0 flour, dehydrated yeast, olive oil, water, tomato sauce, prosciutto cotto, olives, mushrooms, artichokes 240 g

    8,90 лв.

  • Coto and mushrooms pizza slice

    Flour type 0 dehydrated yeast, olive oil, water, tomato sauce, prosciutto Coto, mushrooms, oregano 240 g

    8,30 лв.

Family pizzas

  • Family Pizza Pepperoni

    Type 0 flour, dehydrated yeast, olive oil, water, tomato sauce, mozzarella, spicy sausage 240 g

    59,95 лв.

  • Family Pizza Margherita

    Type 0 flour, dehydrated yeast, olive oil, water, tomato sauce, mozzarella, basil, oregano 240 g

    48,65 лв.

  • Family Pizza Four Cheeses

    Type 0 flour, dehydrated yeast, olive oil, water, mozzarella, gorgonzola, provolone, parmesan 240 g

    56,95 лв.

  • Family Pizza Capricciosa

    Type 0 flour, dehydrated yeast, olive oil, water, tomato sauce, mozzarella, prosciutto, olives, mushrooms, artichoke 240 g

    56,95 лв.

  • Family Pizza Cotto and Mushrooms

    Type 0 flour, dehydrated yeast, olive oil, water, tomato sauce, mozzarella, prosciutto, mushrooms, oregano 240 g

    56,95 лв.

  • Family Pizza Burger

    Type 0 flour, dehydrated yeast, olive oil, water, tomato sauce, mozzarella, cheddar, minced beef, jalapeno, barbecue sauce with bourbon 1200 g

    56,95 лв.


  • Smile with turkey

    Flour type 0 dehydrated yeast, olive oil, water, mayonnaise, lettuce, tomato, cucumber, provolone, turkey fillet

    15,36 лв.

  • Smile ventricina

    Flour type 0 dehydrated yeast, olive oil, water, mayonnaise, lettuce, tomato, cucumber, provolone, ventricina

    10,88 лв.

  • Smile prosciutto cotto

    Flour type 0 dehydrated yeast, olive oil, water, mayonnaise, lettuce, tomato, cucumber, provolone, prosciutto cotto

    10,88 лв.

  • Smile Milano

    Flour type 0 dehydrated yeast, olive oil, water, mayonnaise, lettuce, tomato, cucumber, provolone, milano

    10,88 лв.


  • Focaccia ventricina

    Type 0 flour dehydrated yeast, olive oil, water, artichoke cream, mozzarella, ventricina 300 g

    15,36 лв.

  • Focaccia truffle

    Type 0 flour dehydrated yeast, olive oil, water, mozzarella, arugula, prosciutto crudo 300 g

    15,36 лв.

  • Focaccia porketta

    Focaccia porketta; Type 0 flour dehydrated yeast, olive oil, water, stracciatella, porketta, caramelized onion, arugula 300

    15,35 лв.

  • Focaccia mortadella

    Type 0 flour dehydrated yeast, olive oil, water, stracciatella, mortadella, pistachio 300 g

    15,36 лв.

  • Cheese focaccia

    Type 0 flour, dehydrated yeast, olive oil, water, mozzarella, provolone, parmesan, gorgonzola, honey, walnuts 300 g

    15,36 лв.

  • Vegan focaccia

    Type 0 flour, dehydrated yeast, olive oil, water, grilled vegetables, sun-dried tomato pesto 300 g

    15,36 лв.


  • Spring salad

    pitted Taja olives, green pepper, cherry tomato, iceberg, lettuce, cucumber, cow's cheese

    14,00 лв.

  • Caesar salad

    cherry tomato, Iceberg, chicken, olive oil, parmesan

    14,10 лв.

  • Tuna salad

    cherry tomato, iceberg, green salad, tuna, corn

    14,10 лв.

Soft drinks

  • Fritz cola

    Refreshing drink 330 ml

    6,80 лв.

  • Fritz cola sugar free

    Refreshing drink 330 ml

    6,80 лв.

  • Fritz orange

    Refreshing drink 330 ml

    6,80 лв.

  • Fritz lemon

    Refreshing drink 330 ml

    6,80 лв.

  • Perrier naturally carbonated water

    Refreshing drink 330 ml

    6,60 лв.

  • Bio fresh lemonade with agave and ginger

    Refreshing drink 250 ml

    6,00 лв.

  • Bio fresh lemonade with green tea, lemon juice, and verbena

    Refreshing drink 250 ml

    6,00 лв.

  • Bio fresh lemonade with cucumber and agave syrup

    Refreshing drink 250 ml

    6,00 лв.

  • S. Pellegrino naturally carbonated water

    Refreshing drink 330 ml

    5,90 лв.

  • Red bull

    Refreshing drink 250 ml

    5,50 лв.

  • Ayran

    Refreshing drink 250 ml

    4,00 лв.

  • Coca cola

    Refreshing drink 330 ml

    3,50 лв.

  • Coca cola zero

    Refreshing drink 330 ml

    3,50 лв.

  • Fanta orange

    Refreshing drink 330 ml

    3,50 лв.

  • Schweppes tonic

    Refreshing drink 330 ml

    3,50 лв.

  • Lette carbonated water

    Refreshing drink 500 ml

    3,00 лв.

  • Devin mineral water

    Refreshing drink 1500 ml

    2,65 лв.

  • Devin carbonated water

    Refreshing drink 500 ml

    2,64 лв.

  • Devin mineral water

    Refreshing drink 500 ml

    2,43 лв.

  • Devin spring water

    Refreshing drink 500 ml

    2,43 лв.

Alcohol drinks

  • Prosecco

    Sparkling wine 750 ml

    100,00 лв.

    12,0 % vol
  • Primitivo Тerrecarsiche

    Red wine 750 ml

    51,20 лв.

    13,5 % vol
  • Cormons sauvignon 2023

    White wine 750 ml

    51,20 лв.

    10,0 % vol
  • Le paradou cisault 2023

    Rose 750 ml

    51,20 лв.

    12,0 % vol
  • Prosecco

    Sparkling wine 200 ml

    16,00 лв.

    12,0 % vol
  • Cormons sauvignon 2023

    White wine 375 ml

    16,00 лв.

    10,0 % vol
  • Moretti beer

    Alcoholic beverage 330 ml

    6,10 лв.

    5,0 % vol
  • Peroni beer

    Alcoholic beverage 330 ml

    6,10 лв.

    5,0 % vol


Eddy's Pizza|Едис Пица Център
улица ,,Ангел Кънчев" 35
1000 София
Vi er en professionel forhandler. Få mere at vide om, hvordan vi og Takeaway.com opdeler ansvar til forbrugere.

Om denne forretning


09:00 - 22:00
09:00 - 22:00
09:00 - 22:00
09:00 - 22:00
Lukket for levering
10:00 - 22:00
10:00 - 22:00


Der tilføjes et servicegebyr på 0,15 лв. til denne ordre. På den måde kan vi fortsat forbedre vores service og din ordreoplevelse



Eddy's Pizza|Едис Пица Център
улица ,,Ангел Кънчев" 35
1000 София
Vi er en professionel forhandler. Få mere at vide om, hvordan vi og Takeaway.com opdeler ansvar til forbrugere.